Be Happy: The Gut Brain Connection




To improve your "Third Act" of life, you must pay attention to your gut-brain connection. In today's course, we will look at enhancing your brain-gut connection by improving the Vagus Nerve function.

Some of you may have seen advertisements in your Facebook feeds about the Vagus Nerve and went, Huh?

The Vagus Nerve is one of the 12 Cranial Nerves. The cranial nerves pass information between the eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and throat to your brain.

The Vagus Nerve is like the family's black sheep--you know, the one who went rogue. It's the Cranial Nerve that went long, and instead of being in charge of your sight, hearing, taste, speech, or smell, it went after the entire thorax.

The Vagus Nerve handles many thorax supervisory jobs, including the heart and lungs, but today, we are interested in how it sends information between our guts and brains.

If you have any issues with:

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Weight Issues
  • Digestive Health Issues
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Issues

You'll want to learn how to improve Vagus Nerve function;

Here's the course. I hope you enjoy it; it took me way longer to put it together than most courses.


🧠 Doc

Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

I have practiced hormone, weight, health, and mind optimization for over forty-three years. As we age and or become chronically inflamed, our hormones become disrupted, making us feel out of sync, overweight, sickly, and negative. Our internal chemistry, our hormones, governs the way we feel and look. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on how to optimize our lives by optimizing our hormones.

Read more from Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

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