
Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

I have practiced hormone, weight, health, and mind optimization for over forty-three years. As we age and or become chronically inflamed, our hormones become disrupted, making us feel out of sync, overweight, sickly, and negative. Our internal chemistry, our hormones, governs the way we feel and look. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on how to optimize our lives by optimizing our hormones.

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The Hunger Series - Hunger Vs. Appetite

HUNGER 101 HUNGER VS. APPETITE If you've wondered how Ozempic® works, read the Hunger Series over the next month. Learn how we quell hunger naturally and turn your menu into a lifestyle. Understanding hunger is essential to creating the you that you desire while in your "Third Act" of life. In today's newsletter, I explain the difference between hunger and appetite—and it's a big one. Due to email servers truncating the length of our courses, we have provided you with a safe and free download...

THYROID 103 IODINE AND THYROID OPTIMIZATION Optimizing your thyroid function is essential to creating the you that you desire while in your "Third Act" of life. In Thyroid 101, I reviewed the correct tests to evaluate a malfunctioning thyroid. In Thyroid 102, I reviewed the mineral selenium and its importance in optimizing thyroid function. In Thyroid 103, I reviewed the mineral zinc and how it helped all three thyroid malfunctions: zinc. Due to email servers truncating the length of our...

THYROID 103 ZINC AND THYROID OPTIMIZATION Optimizing your thyroid function is essential to creating the you that you desire while in your "Third Act" of life. In Thyroid 101, I reviewed the correct tests to evaluate a malfunctioning thyroid. In Thyroid 102, I reviewed the mineral selenium and its importance in optimizing thyroid function. In Thyroid 103, I review the next mineral that helps our thyroid in all three malfunctions: zinc. Due to email servers truncating the length of our courses,...

THE "PAUSE" "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" THYROID 102 Optimizing your thyroid function is essential to creating the you that you desire while in your "Third Act" of life. In last week's newsletter, I explained the thyroid's possible symptoms if it was malfunctioning and the tests needed to diagnose a sluggish thyroid. In this week's newsletter, I explain the first step we took to optimize our thyroids. View the newsletter by clicking on the link below. 👇 THE FIRST STEP TO TAKE TO...

THE "PAUSE" "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" THYROID 101 Optimizing your thyroid function is essential to creating the you that you desire while in your "Third Act" of life. If your doctor told you that your thyroid tests say you are normal, but you feel like something isn't quite right, read today's newsletter. There is a good chance you are right. View the newsletter by clicking on the link below. THE FIRST THREE STEPS TO THYROID OPTIMIZATION

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION Optimizing your thyroid function is essential to improving your "Third Act" of life and maintaining your weight. If your doctor told you that your thyroid tests say you are normal, but you feel like there is something wrong, read today's newsletter. There is a good chance you are right. View the course by clicking on the link below. THE FIRST THREE STEPS TO THYROID OPTIMIZATION

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION To improve your "Third Act" of life, you must pay attention to your gut-brain connection. In today's course, we will look at enhancing your brain-gut connection by improving the Vagus Nerve function. Some of you may have seen advertisements in your Facebook feeds about the Vagus Nerve and went, Huh? The Vagus Nerve is one of the 12 Cranial Nerves. The cranial nerves pass information between the eyes, mouth, nose, ears,...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION To improve your "Third Act" of life, you must pay attention to your gut-brain connection. In today's course, we will look at enhancing your brain-gut connection by improving the Vagus Nerve function. Some of you may have seen advertisements in your Facebook feeds about the Vagus Nerve and went, Huh? The Vagus Nerve is one of the 12 Cranial Nerves. The cranial nerves pass information between the eyes, mouth, nose, ears,...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" HOW TO FIX YOUR GUT Due to email service providers truncating emails, we have provided you with a safe PDF download from Amazon. You can download this week's newsletter by clicking the link below. HOW TO FIX YOUR GUT Doc Mac Hormone and Weight Optimization Coach If you would like daily tidbits on how to make your Third Act Awesome Follow me on my Facebook Page by clicking below DOC MAC #thirdactcoach

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" GUT 102 You've heard about Leaky Gut. But what is it? And how does it affect you? This week's newsletter discusses how your gut affects your hormones. You'll be amazed. Download the newsletter below. But First, This week's success pre and post Meet Leslie, a current client. Are you next? BE COACHED FOR FREE! I only accept new clients through referrals from current and past clients, and my roster is always full. But... Each week, I coach two...