"So, Doc, before I joined your program, I exercised five times a week to try to lose weight, and all I did was gain weight. Then I started on The HOPE Protocol, and you had me eat for my hormones; I began to lose weight like crazy, but you had me stop all strenuous exercise. After your last course, I understand that once paused, we lose our fat-burning hormones and can’t lose weight by exercising.
Since you said nonstrenuous exercise is allowed, what is the best nonstrenuous exercise while in Phase One of HOPE?”

Mac Yoga!

When I was a young man, I played a lot of golf. I was a lousy golfer, which is lucky for us because I planned to play a lot of golf once I retired. Instead, I coach hormone and weight optimization because I am much better at that than playing golf.

I tried everything to improve my golf game, just like you probably did to lose weight. No matter what I did, my game worsened.

I even went to a golf school in Lake Tahoe for a week. A golf pro played golf with me daily; he worked on my game as we played.

When I returned home, I went golfing with my friends and shot the same score I did the first time I played. My friends gave me a tough time that day, and they laughed a lot at my expense.

But anyways…

There was this one time when I was teamed up with an 86-year-old golfer. I was in my thirties. He couldn’t hit the golf ball nearly as far as me, but he shot a score that I could only dream of. I asked him, What is your secret? He said,

“Young man, flexibility is the key to youth.”

He also told me it was a myth that you had to lose your flexibility as you age.

I asked him, How do you stay flexible?

And he said…

“I begin every morning with a stretching routine to maintain and improve my flexibility."

I immediately started training to become a master stretcher. I took courses from the Olympic-Doctor-of-the-Year and eventually developed a stretching program I shared with all my patients. I even taught these stretches at night in my clinic’s gym.

“Flexibility and youthfulness are synonymous.”

We will begin the HOPE Exercise Protocol by improving flexibility since, in reality, The HOPE Protocol was born out of our anti-aging medical clinics.

In later courses, I will introduce you to exercises that shape and strengthen your body. They are also designed to maintain your happy/healthy/bottom/ideal weight.

Another reason I start with flexibility is that many of my clients injure themselves once they can do strenuous exercise again.

Injuries occur because these clients start exercising as if they had never stopped. Their bodies are not ready, and strains and sprains occur, delaying their ability to return to muscle-building, body-shaping, and weight-maintaining exercises.

“You won’t lose weight if you do strenuous exercises during Phase One of HOPE.”
"Doing Mac Yoga in Phase One of The HOPE Protocol will cause you to age in reverse and accelerate weight loss."

So, let’s look at how to regain flexibility once you’re in the “Third Act” of your life.


Neck (Done sitting)

  • Rotate your head as far as you can to the left and hold.
  • Rotate your head as far as you can to the right and hold.
  • Try to touch your left ear to your left shoulder and hold.
  • Try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder and hold.
  • Lean your head backward slowly and hold
  • Bend your head forward slowly and hold.

Shoulder (Sitting)

  • Touch your left shoulder with your right hand, keep your right elbow at shoulder level, and reach to the left as far as possible.
  • Touch your right shoulder with your left hand, keep your left elbow at shoulder level, and reach to the right as far as possible.
  • Place your right forearm on the top of your head, grab your right wrist with your left hand, and slowly pull it until you can’t pull it further.
  • .Place your left forearm on the top of your head, grab your left wrist with your right hand, and slowly pull it until it stops comfortably.
  • Place your right hand behind your back at waist level, grab your right wrist with your left hand, slowly pull it until it stops comfortably, then lean your head to the left.
  • Place your left hand behind your back at waist level, grab your left wrist with your right hand, slowly pull it until it stops comfortably, then lean your head to the right.

Upper Back (Standing and on the floor)

  • Reach both arms as far as possible directly over your head, practicing good posture, and then place your palms together. Bend from your mid back as far as you can to the left and hold,
  • Return to the center and bend from your mid back as far as you can to the right and hold,
  • Place one arm atop the other, like a genie, and rotate your thorax to the left as far as you can and hold.
  • Return to the center, rotate your thorax to the right as far as possible, and hold.
  • Get on all fours, push your belly toward the floor, raise your head, and hold.
  • Return to the neutral position, hunch your mid back toward the ceiling, lower your head, and hold.

Lower back (Begin on the floor and return to standing)

  • Lay flat on your back. Reach your left arm above your head, maintaining contact with the floor as far as possible. Then, lift your right leg and drop it to the left while your left leg remains straight and hold. Whatever arm is raised above your head, that coinciding leg remains straight. (This is called a morning star)
  • Lay flat on your back. Reach your right arm above your head, maintaining contact with the floor as far as possible. Then, lift your left leg and drop it to the right while your right leg remains straight and hold. Whatever arm is raised above your head, that coinciding leg remains straight.
  • Stand and place the palms of your hands up against the side of your thighs, then slide your right palm slowly down your right thigh as far as you can, bending at your lower back.
  • Return to center, slowly slide your left palm down your left thigh as far as possible, bending at your lower back.
  • Stand at least one foot away from a wall, lean toward the wall, and place your forehead on your forearm. Swing your pelvis forward, like a swing at the bottom of your spine, and hold.
  • Return to a neutral position, swing your pelvis backward like you are making a bubble butt as far as you can, and hold. The pelvic tilts can be done more than once.

Hips (These are also balancing exercises)

  • Stand at least two feet from a wall, place your hands against the wall with nearly straight arms, and extend your right leg back as far as possible while keeping the leg locked at the knee and keeping your balance with the wall.
  • Return your right leg, regain your balance, and extend your left leg as far as possible, keeping your knee locked while keeping your balance with the wall.
  • Stand with your back against the wall; you may also lay on the floor if you suffer from balance issues; place your hands on your hips, bend your right leg at the knee, and raise your knee toward your chest as far as possible.
  • Stand with your back against the wall; you may also lay on the floor if you suffer from balance issues; place your hands on your hips, bend your left leg at the knee, and raise your knee toward your chest as far as possible.
  • Lay on the floor, legs together, slide your right leg along the floor as far away from your body as possible, and hold.
  • Return your right leg, slide your left leg along the floor as far away from your body as possible, and hold.
  • Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together, and your knees pointed out. Pull your heels toward your groin, then place your hands on your knees and gently push them toward the floor. Hold for 7 seconds.

Master these stretches and develop a morning routine, and you will see an increase in weight loss and litheness.

And remember,


"We are nothing more than reflections of our hormones."


I only accept new clients through referrals from current and past clients, and my roster is nearly always full.


Each week, I coach two readers of this newsletter FOR FREE!

I coach you for a week so you can see how easily and quickly you can lose weight and feel great while being paused. You can take it from there once you have been coached and trained.

The Features of our FREE-WEEK program include:

  • Accountability (Daily Text Coaching by me)
  • Customization (24/7 Problem-Solving Access to me)
  • Knowledge (The Tame Estrogen Dominance Course)
  • Motivation (Two Motivating Phone Calls)

The Benefit

  • Lose a bunch of weight and feel hormonally better in one week.
  • Know what to do to reach your weight goals.
  • Know that your goals can be achieved.

We will begin the free week of coaching with a QuickStart Consult and end with a What To Do Next Consult.​​​



Don't hesitate; I only have room for two of you!​​


Our youngest graduated from college this weekend. That’s five for five—five children! Five college graduates! Vicky and I embrace the Grace.

🎓 Doc

© 2024 | Doc Mac Coaching

The FDA has evaluated none of the statements on this website.

Furthermore, none of the statements within this post should be construed as dispensing medical advice or making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent disease. You should consult a licensed healthcare professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases.

Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

I have practiced hormone, weight, health, and mind optimization for over forty-three years. As we age and or become chronically inflamed, our hormones become disrupted, making us feel out of sync, overweight, sickly, and negative. Our internal chemistry, our hormones, governs the way we feel and look. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on how to optimize our lives by optimizing our hormones.

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