The Best Exercise While in Menopause



After forty-four years of practice and helping tens of thousands optimize their health, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that a 30-minute stroll in nature five times a week is the best exercise for optimizing hormones and increasing lifespan and health span.

And it also helps you lose weight when you are in your "Third Act" of life.

Do you need some evidence?

Have you ever studied the Blue Zones? A Blue Zone is a geographic area where people live longer and healthier lives than the rest of us.

Let me ask you a thought-provoking question.

"What percentage of the blue zone population goes to a gym?"

Did that question provoke thought?

Their primary form of exercise comes in the form of leisurely walking.

If you want a long, healthy life, WALK LEISURELY!

"Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it. Even if one were to walk for one's health and it were constantly one station ahead—I would still say: Walk!
Besides, it is also apparent that in walking one constantly gets as close to well-being as possible, even if one does not quite reach it—but by sitting still, and the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Health and salvation can be found only in motion... if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right."
Soren Kierkegaard (the first existentialist philosopher)

Now, I don't want you just to go out and stroll. There is a method to optimizing menopause when strolling.


I have placed a link to download the Mac Strolling Protocol to lose weight and feel great while in menopause. Yes, it's essential to do it right.


Another Transformation

I only accept clients through referrals, and my current roster is full.

But I will coach two of my readers for a week free so you, too, can transform your "Third Act" into how you want to look and feel hormonally.

If you want to lose weight and feel great, enroll in my free week of coaching program. During this free week of coaching, I will teach you how to balance hormones and lose weight. Click on the link below to enroll.


I only have room for two of my readers.

This Week's Us-ie

Vicky and I rented a beach house in Pacifica, CA, this weekend and invited three of our children, three of our grandchildren, and friends to a festival called Fog Fest. It's a tradition for us to attend. It was a great time. As you can see from the picture, there was no fog on Friday, but it made its entrance, big time, on Saturday.

Quote of the Week

"Do you want to eat a larger serving? Then, eat on a smaller plate."

🌁 Doc Mac


© 2024 | Doc Mac Coaching

The FDA has evaluated none of the statements in this article.

Furthermore, none of the statements within this post should be construed as dispensing medical advice or making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent disease. You should consult a licensed healthcare professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases.

Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

I have practiced hormone, weight, health, and mind optimization for over forty-three years. As we age and or become chronically inflamed, our hormones become disrupted, making us feel out of sync, overweight, sickly, and negative. Our internal chemistry, our hormones, governs the way we feel and look. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on how to optimize our lives by optimizing our hormones.

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