
Hi! I'm Doc Mac.

I have practiced hormone, weight, health, and mind optimization for over forty-three years. As we age and or become chronically inflamed, our hormones become disrupted, making us feel out of sync, overweight, sickly, and negative. Our internal chemistry, our hormones, governs the way we feel and look. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on how to optimize our lives by optimizing our hormones.

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THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" HOW TO FIX A LEAKY GUT “Doc, I get it. We are nothing but tubes. I understand that a one-cell-thick lining lines the inside of our tubes and screens the outside world from our interior bodies. I also understand that living within this tube are trillions of microbes that do everything from breaking down our food to resurrecting our hormones. I know that through the years of eating Processed Foods, I have damaged my gut’s lining and destroyed my...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" GUT 102 You've heard about Leaky Gut. But what is it? And how does it affect you? This week's newsletter discusses how your gut affects your hormones. You'll be amazed. Download the newsletter below. But First, This week's success pre and post Meet Leslie, a current client. Are you next? BE COACHED FOR FREE! I only accept new clients through referrals from current and past clients, and my roster is always full. But... Each week, I coach two...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" GUT 101 “Doc, you keep writing about our guts and microbiomes being so crucial for health optimization, but then you say we will optimize our guts in Phase Two of HOPE. Shouldn’t we be doing something now? You are. Let me first educate you on what we mean when we write about guts. Click on the link below to download our course, Gut 101. GUT 101 THIS WEEK'S US-IE Vicky and Grandchildren, Aluna and Rojelio, on the Fourth of July. Our youngest...

THE PAUSE A NEWSLETTER THAT MAKES OUR THIRD ACT THE BEST YET STALL BUSTERS “Doc, I’ve been losing weight daily while on The HOPE Protocol, but I hit a wall this week. It always seems to happen when I get to this weight. I have a few questions. First, how do I know I’ve stalled? Second, what caused me to stall? Third, how do I break the stall?” Great questions. We stall for several reasons, and depending on what caused the stall, I use specific protocols to break through the stall. In today's...

THE PAUSE A NEWSLETTER THAT MAKES OUR THIRD ACT THE BEST YET SUGAR ALCOHOLS “Doc, you’ve taught me how sugar and artificial sweeteners adversely affect my hormones, weight, liver, and mind. I’m glad you didn’t slam sugar alcohol. We use xylitol, and we love it. It’s natural and has no calories." I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. “Sugar. Alcohol. Now, there are two words that shouldn’t go together. And their molecules shouldn’t either.” Their name even sounds ominous, I thought. “But...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS In the first strand of The HOPE Protocol, we optimize our hormones. In the second strand, we optimize our weight. In the third strand, The Purification Strand, we optimize health. In the fourth strand, we optimize our minds. We begin optimizing our health by optimizing our livers. Nearly all overweight menopausal women and andropausal men have fatty livers. We must de-fat it to dance at our grandchildren's weddings. Fatty...

THE PAUSE "MAKING OUR THIRD ACTS THE BEST YET" SWEETENERS: WHAT TO USE AND WHAT NOT TO USE In the first strand of The HOPE Protocol, we optimize our hormones. In the second strand, we optimize our weight. In the third strand, The Purification Strand, we optimize health. In the fourth strand, we optimize our minds. We begin optimizing our health by optimizing our livers. Nearly all overweight menopausal women and andropausal men have fatty livers. We must de-fat it if we want to dance at our...

THE PAUSE MAKING OUR "THIRD ACT" THE BEST YET FEAST MEALS “Doc, what I love about your program is that we can have days where I eat whatever we want. Are there rules associated with these days, and if so, what are they?” CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! DANCE TO THE MUSIC! Life is supposed to be celebrated. I remember growing up and watching historic movies. The king had just won a battle or war, and they would have all the dignitaries in the castle for a feast. They would bring a cooked boar with an...

THE PAUSE MENOPAUSE, POPCORN, and ESTROGEN DOMINANCE “Doc, my P/E Ratio was 22. You told me that I was severely estrogen-dominant. Can you please explain to me what that means?” Great question! REVIEW OF ESTROGEN DOMINANCE Recall that I define menopause differently. The dictionary claims that menopause is not having a period for twelve months. As I hope you know, I think that’s a terrible definition. Why isn’t it three months or even eighteen months? Menopause and its possible adverse...

THE PAUSE MENOPAUSE, WEIGHT LOSS AND EXERCISE "THE SECRET TO YOUTH" "So, Doc, before I joined your program, I exercised five times a week to try to lose weight, and all I did was gain weight. Then I started on The HOPE Protocol, and you had me eat for my hormones; I began to lose weight like crazy, but you had me stop all strenuous exercise. After your last course, I understand that once paused, we lose our fat-burning hormones and can’t lose weight by exercising. Since you said nonstrenuous...